Railings in all of these categories are a critical safety feature on outdoor and indoor stairs, and ramps, both as graspable handrails to guide a user or to protect against a stair-fall, and as are guardrails along stairs, landings, platforms, decks, porches, and similar structures.

This article explains and illustrate the requirements for safe, usable railings used inside or outside buildings, including guardrails, hand railings on steps and stairs, and stair rails or stair guards for both interior and exterior stairways. Railing Specifications & Defects & important distinctions among guardrails, handrails, & stair rails We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. This article series provides building code specifications, sketches, photographs, and examples of stair & railing safety defects used in inspecting indoor or outdoor stair railings or handrails and related conditions for safety and proper We explain the difference between a handrail, a stair rail and a guardrail, and we provide specifications and building code specifications & sketches of proper, safe, and improper, unsafe handrails and other types of railings. Railings used on stairs, balconies, decks, ramps, walks:

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